Booking Details and Prices
Full day (3 - 5 performances/workshop sessions) between £375 - 430* depending upon location, including travel costs.
Half day (1 - 3 performances/workshop sessions) between £290 - 340* depending upon location, including travel costs.
Full week (5 days) writer-in-residence school events £1,750
For 5 days or more within the same school year please contact Chris for details.
Remember: full day or half day bookings can be made up in a variety of ways, either an in-depth day of workshops for one class or year group, or a storytelling day of multiple performances so that every child in school is involved.
*Discounts of between 10% and 15% off all of the above prices apply to multiple or regular bookings. Ask about details. If there is another school in your area who would also like a visit, why not combine your bookings and both schools get the discount!
Single performance £400**
Additional performances in same day £200**
**or previously agreed box office split, contact me for further details.
UK conference appearances, and corporate speaking appointments:
Full day £900 including travel.
Half day £700 plus possible travel expenses depending upon location.
Conference appearances, performances and workshops: £1350 per day plus accommodation and travel.